Author Archives: personhood

Video Archive: SC House Ad Hoc Committee (“Abortion” Ban Legislation) – July 7, 2022

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Revised July 24, 2022

Video Archive:

SC House Ad Hoc Committee
(“Abortion” Ban Legislation)

Public Hearing
July 7, 2022

Blatt House Office Building
Room 110

State House Grounds
Columbia, South Carolina
Video – 6:54:11

Prepared Written Testimony of Steve Lefemine, exec. dir., Christians for Personhood, for SC House of Representatives Ad Hoc Committee – July 7, 2022

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Revised/Edited July 6, 2022

Prepared Written Testimony of Steve Lefemine, exec. dir., Christians for Personhood, for SC House of Representatives Ad Hoc Committee, July 7, 2022

Prepared Written Testimony of Steve Lefemine
exec. dir., Christians for Personhood
SC House of Representatives Ad Hoc Committee
House Blatt Building, Room 110, State House Complex
Columbia, South Carolina
July 7, 2022

US Supreme Court issues Dobbs ruling/Opinion overturning Roe v. Wade – June 24, 2022

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US Supreme Court issues Dobbs ruling/Opinion overturning Roe v. Wade – June 24, 2022

“Held: The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion;
Roe and Casey are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion
is returned to the people and their elected representatives. Pp. 8-79.

Opinions of the Court – 2021


Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s “Health” [sic] Organization

Hallelujah !!!

Praise God !!!

Jesus Christ is King of kings !!!

1 Timothy 6:15, KJV
Psalm 110:1, KJV

God says,

“Thou shalt not kill (murder).”

Exodus 20:13, KJV

However, for South Carolina, the news is tragically, shamefully, not as good.

South Carolina is NOT one of the 13 States with trigger laws already in place
( AR, ID, KY, LA, MO, MS, ND, OK, SD, TN, TX, UT, WY ).

South Carolina is NOT one of the 9 States with pre-Roe “abortion” bans still in place
( AL, AR, AZ, MI, MS, OK, TX, WI, WV ).

South Carolina is NOT one of the 3 States which passed recent “abortion” bans in spite of Roe 
( AL (2019), AR (2021), OK (2022) )

So, 18 different States already have some type of immediate or quick “abortion” ban legislation, in some measure, already in place upon the overthrow of Roe:

Whether or not ALL “abortions” in these States are ENDED/ABOLISHED, or not, depends upon whether or not the specific legislation in each State has truly established Biblical Justice. Legislation in any State that allows “exceptions” has not.

So, for now, South Carolina is still able to continue killing babies, even though Roe v. Wade is now overruled !


Shame on the SC House and SC Senate !

Shame on the SC Governor !


Establish Biblical Justice NOW !!!

Pass Personhood NOW !!!

H5401, S1335 ( – “Abortion” is Homicide


God’s Requirement for Murder is Justice ( Exodus 20:13, Micah 6:8, Amos 5:15, KJV ).

South Carolina

America’s Founding: “… the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” – Establish Justice, Pass Personhood Now !!!

Published by:

Revised June 26, 2022 / Revised July 11, 2022

Expressed in The Declaration of Independence
July 4, 1776

America’s Founding: “… the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God”


In Congress, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people
to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another,
and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. —
[ emphasis added ]

No King but King Jesus ! ( The Lord Jesus Christ )
Declarations and Evidences of Christian Faith in America’s Colonial Charters, State Constitutions, and other Historical Documents during over 375 Years of American History: 1606 to 1982


How many Americans, including Christians, understand today, without the Christian Protestant Reformation, there would not have been the “America” which was Declared Independent in 1776; and whose Constitution was Signed in 1787, and Ratified in 1788, and Implemented in 1789; and in which the Individual Rights of American citizens are protected from the federal government by the Bill of Rights which was Ratified in 1791 !!!???

Blackstone’s Commentaries: “… the law of nature and the law of revelation”

In the decade before the first shots of the American Revolution (War for American Independence) were fired on the green (common) at Lexington (Mass.) on April 19, 1775, English jurist William Blackstone published his four books of Commentaries on the Laws of England (1765-1769).  “The Commentaries were long regarded as the leading work on the development of English law and played a role in the development of the American legal system.”  “The Commentaries are often quoted as the definitive pre-Revolutionary source of common law by United States courts.”  “For decades, a study of the Commentaries was required reading for all first year law students.” Blackstone’s Commentaries were used before, and for approximately 100 years after, the American Revolution (1776-1783) to train lawyers in the United States, including at the University of South Carolina School of Law during part of the Reconstruction Era (1867-1877) after the USC Law School opened in 1867.

The University of South Carolina Law School curriculum included Blackstone’s Commentaries at times during period 1867-1877:

                                     USC Law School History: Reconstruction Era (1867-1877)  [excerpts, emphasis added]

“The University of South Carolina School of Law was established as one of ten academic schools when South Carolina College was reorganized as the University of South Carolina in 1865 and 1866.  The Board of Trustees elected twenty-seven year old South Carolina attorney Alexander Cheves Haskell as the first professor of law and the law school opened on October 7, 1867. Professor Haskell developed his own system of leading the junior class through a course in Blackstone’s Commentaries and the senior class through a course on Stephens’ Pleading. …” [ continued ]

                                    USC Law School History: Reconstruction Era (1867-1877)  [excerpts, emphasis added]  [continued]

“From the opening of the law school in October 1867 until the death of Professor Melton on December 4, 1875, classes were held in the University Library, now the South Caroliniana Library, and DeSaussure College. … The Board of Trustees chose Franklin J. Moses, Sr., the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of South Carolina, as Melton’s successor.  Under Moses the curriculum of the law school was modified to place a heavy emphasis on Blackstone’s Commentaries and Kent’s Lectures.”

William Blackstone
Commentaries on the Laws of England (1765-1769)

[ excerpts, emphasis added ]

Sect. 2:  Of the Nature of Laws in General

“The doctrines thus delivered we call the revealed or divine law, and they are to be found only in the holy scriptures.”

“Yet undoubtedly the revealed law is of infinitely more authenticity than that moral system, which is framed by ethical writers, and denominated the natural law. Because one is the law of nature, expressly declared so to be by God himself; the other is only what, by the assistance of human reason, we imagine to be that law. If we could be as certain of the latter as we are of the former, both would have an equal authority; but, till then, they can never be put in any competition together.”

“Upon these two foundations, the law of nature and the law of revelation, depend all human laws; that is to say, no human laws should be suffered to contradict these.”

In other words, Blackstone’s Commentaries, which were used before, and for 100 years after, the American Revolution (1776-1783) to train lawyers in the United States, said “all human laws” are to be inviolate of the Laws of Nature and the Word of God, the Bible !!!


William Blackstone
Commentaries on the Laws of England (1765-1769)
[ excerpts, emphasis added ]

Sect. 2:  Of the Nature of Laws in General

“To instance in the case of murder: this is expressly forbidden by the divine, and demonstrably by the natural law; and, from these prohibitions, arises the true unlawfulness of this crime. … Nay, if any human law should allow or injoin us to commit it, we are bound to transgress that human law, or else we must offend both the natural and the divine.






2022 “Personhood Act of South Carolina”

H5401, S1335.


God says,

“Thou shalt not kill (murder).”

Exodus 20:13, KJV


Steve Lefemine
Christian pro-life missionary

Christians for Personhood
PO Box 12222
Columbia, SC 29211


Christians for Personhood newsletter

Steve Lefemine, Christian pro-life missionary
exec. dir., Christians for Personhood
December 31, 2018 / Revised January 2, 2019

‘ROE v. WADE Opinion, January 22, 1973: “If … personhood is established, the [pro-“abortion”] case, of course, collapses, …” ‘

Christians for Personhood
January 5, 2022


Christians for Personhood
November 18, 2021

‘History of Personhood Legislation in South Carolina (1998 – 2021)’

Christians for Personhood
November 12, 2021/Revised November 12, 2021/Edited November 14, 2021

‘PERSONHOOD and South Carolina Constitutional Law:’

Christians for Personhood
Nov 5, 2021

‘PERSONHOOD and South Carolina State Law:’

Christians for Personhood
Nov 2, 2021


Christians for Personhood
Oct 25, 2021

Personhood is Abolition. Here in South Carolina, we have advocated passage
of State personhood legislation continuously for over 24 years since 1998
[ History of Personhood Legislation in South Carolina ( 1998 – 2021 ) ].
– The current legislation in the 2021-2022 SC Legislature is called the Personhood Act of South Carolina (S.381 and S.1335 / H.3568 and H.5401).
– South Carolina Personhood legislation up through 2021 has recognized the Creator God-given, unalienable right to life of every human being as a “person” beginning at fertilization, in SC law.

Steve Lefemine
exec. dir., Christians for Personhood
March 15, 2017 / Edited July 15, 2017 / Revised June 28, 2021 / Title above revised January 2, 2022 / Title above revised July 11, 2022


“Good” is the Enemy of God’s Best: Personhood vs Incrementalism

Christians for Personhood
Oct 10, 2021


National Right to (Some) Life proposes fake “pro-life” [sic] model law which does NOT Establish Justice, and does NOT recognize Creator God-given inherent, unalienable Personhood

Published by:

Revised July 25, 2022

National Right to (Some) Life proposes fake “pro-life” [sic] “model” law which does NOT Establish Justice, and does NOT recognize Creator God-given inherent, unalienable Personhood

NRL’s bill does NOT Establish Justice as God’s Word and the Oaths of Office of officials require:

1) NRL’s fake “pro-life” [sic] bill continues to allow “abortions” to supposedly save the life of the mother.

Note: It is never necessary to intentionally kill the baby to save the mother’s life. Premature delivery is not an “abortion”.

‘No Exceptions’

2) NRL’s bill throws ectopic babies “under the bus”; would allow continued use of the abortifacient drug methotrexate which kills ectopic babies.

3) NRL’s bill does not establish Personhood at fertilization, and so in addition to allowing murder of babies under medically false rationale of “saving the life of the mother”, including killing ectopic babies, NRL’s bill also allows continued use of abortifacient drugs and devices which are incorrectly labelled “contraceptives”, which actually also function to cause chemical “abortions”, accounting for roughly estimated 80% of all actual “abortions”.

4) NRL’s unjust, unbiblical bill implicitly denies the Creator and His Creation by use of the Darwinian Evolution compatible term  “species homo sapiens”.

‘National Right to Life Committee Proposes Legislation to Protect [sic] the Unborn Post-Roe’

NRL News
June 15, 2022

“The model law recommended by the National Right to Life Committee would first protect [sic] the lives of unborn children from abortion except when necessary to prevent the death of the mother, which has been the accepted policy of the [Romish, ecumenical, unbiblical] pro-life movement since 1973 and for many years before. In addition, the model law ensures that no criminal or civil penalty will be imposed
on a pregnant woman.” [ Emphasis, comments added ]

National Right to Life Committee Unjust, Unbiblical “Model” [sic] Post-Roe “Abortion” Law
June 15, 2022



NRL is not now, and never has been, grounded in, or faithful to, the Word of God.

Christians, in Jesus’ Name, please STOP following the unbiblical, antichrist, false “leadership” of NRL. Following false leadership leads to destruction (Isaiah 3:12, Isaiah 9:16, KJV).

God says,

“Thou shalt not kill (murder).”

Exodus 20:13, KJV
Columbia, SC